It's worse than you think

January 6 was your first warning. Roe V. Wade was your second. The third is on the way. On MSNBC and CNN they throw around the term "Erosoion of Democracy." Doesn't sound too bad - we're used to erosion. The fate we are approaching is unimaginably horrible, so let me help you imagine. The repubs are aiming to turn us into a Putin style "Democracy," where one party has all of the power. The checks and balances imagined by our founding fathers are already fading away. The Supreme Court is pretty much an arm of the Republican Party. Elections will soon be run by zealots who will do anything to ensure that their party wins, whether it got more votes or not. If you don't like what they're doing, just complain. Those in power won't be motivated to hear you out, because they no longer have anything to lose. States like New York and California can continue to go on as before, but eventually the noose will tighten. Anyone who challenges the establishmen...