A new name. A new me.
I have now passed the age of 75, however badly, and now I feel the need to share all of those years of accumulated wisdom with an unwilling world. As someone who was born and raised in Arizona, spent an 18 month stint in the Philippines as a young teen, and settled finally in New York, I don't have much of a peer group. Most of my Facebook postings reflect the more normal positive and tolerant me, but recently, I gave them a taste of my Other Side, and it did not go well. Since I already have a blog account, it seemed like an idea to let my hair down (What's left of it) and let my grumpy side have its say in an environment where no animals would be injured. Here are a few accumulated gems:
Don't pick up glass jars by their lids.
Don't bother with anti dandruff shampoos - they don't work.
Observing the matter for 40+ years, I conclude that trickle down works, but only for the billionaires. They let their money trickle down into offshore accounts, while laughing at the people they conned.
If your name rhymes with Chump or you have Umptray DNA (usually on ones' nose) you are not above the law.
Don't eat Mexican food at hotels.
The posting that landed me in the doghouse was about the recent ads from the ASPCA showing dogs being penned up in the hot sun with no water. Send them money. My point was that these poor animals have abusive owners , and I'm curious how my $10 is going to change that.
If you didn't like this, you probably won't like what is to follow. Cheers.
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